
Into the night

Tonight is the longest night of the year. Midwinter. Suitably, it rains. Cats and dogs. Or maybe cheetas and hyenas, or whatever.

The website is due to come online today, and suitably (again) it is not without problems. Mainly, the front page - ie the page you hit when you go to RA.net - is like a big questionmark. The London team has worked on the website for a week now, how could they not make sure there was something to look at on the front page????

Sorry, I'm venting. It's a little frustrating when nobody thinks of the most obvious things.

Paul has a tummy bug. His son has a tummy bug. His wife came down with it last night. I feel like a chicken in Indonesia, when the one next to me gets a runny nose...

Speaking of being ill, poor Michael Owen, that looked like it hurt. There were three Swedish girls in the pub last night, and a gazillion english boys. They didn't mind, though. I think they saw us as a curiosity. Girls watching football without husbands in tow? Who actually know the offside rule? You must be joking!

I missed the first goal, because I was texting Miracle-Gro moaning about the performance of my team. So there... Thing is, the pub went quiet. there wasn't even a groan from the England supporters. Or else I went momentarily deaf. In any case, we all three of us had a bit of a blonde moment, going 'what happened', 'was that a goal', 'yes it was', 'oh my god' ... YAAAAAYYYY! about two minutes late... Er...

The Chinese aren't answering their phones. Do they have something to hide?


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