

A serendipitous sequence of events involving among other things Cousin's car breaking down in the Southern Suburbs, me lacking a ride from the V&A Waterfront after dinner with a new friend and a prodigious phonecall from a certain English gentleman from Saturday night just as I was about to call a cab conspired to make me a) late for work today and b) a little distracted. I have a pile of work to get through from last week's conference, but the motivation is just not there. Maybe lunch will sort me out.

I'm looking at a couple of flats in De Waterkant tonight before I go home. And then later on I'll audition for my car rental guy - it's private so I guess I need to get his confidence. HOpe it's a little car. Otherwise parking will be difficult tomorrow morning.

Wednesday is Norway day, and this girl I've been put in touch with (friend of a friend) has invited me to celebrations in Observatory - the boho, studenty neighbourhood. Will see if I can make it, Cousin might want to join, but there is an issue with transportation. She has to tow her car from the suburbs tonight, and then it will be fixed - hopefully. But then, I might have my car then so we can go celebrate Syttynde Mai (or however you spell it).



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