

The good news is that Research Africa is online. The bad news is that there are bugs. So... check it out here, but don't be surprised if you have a rough ride...

If you don't care about the site, but only my noble journalism, check it online here here. There should be a pdf on the site, but I don't know where. If you want one, send me an email and I'll make sure you get it.

The feedback has been overwhelmingly good. Here are some endorsements:

A valuable resource on Africa's scientific rennaisance that should be on the desk of every policy maker.
Calestous Juma, Harvard professor of international development and UN rapporteur on science in Africa

Research Africa is an excellent initiative. It should enable African researchers to access news, views, advanced skills courses and funding easily and quickly. It should help the continent unify its research strategies and bring scattered researchers closer together. All speed to Research Africa's electrogigabyte flows!
Renfrew Christie, dean of research at the University of the Western Cape (SA)

It's so nice of them to be so nice to me.

And today, I went to Parliament for a launch of the annual R&D survey. All the movers and shakers were there, and all of them were very encouraging. I think they're just really happy that somebody is shining a light on this kind of news for once.

In other news, I've received the container with my stuff. Just as I was beginning to wish that a fortuitous storm would come along and sink the ship, and consequently my things, into the abyss. After they had finished carrying my stuff into my flat, the place felt all cramped. How will I now be able to do cartwheels in the lounge?


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