
For the ninth time...!

Yikes, just sent issue number nine to the printers. It doesn't get easier. But, and this might be more important, it does get better! So that, at least, is nice. Issue 9 is my pride and joy so far! Just thought I'd show you how my desk looks where I try to work... It's all my own fault of course, but have you ever seen such a mess?

Now where is that press release?

I got a number of queries asking for a follow-up to the intrepid mountain date. Well you know about me and heights. I was scared stiff on the way up the cable car which I'm sure was all part of the plan as I had do hang on to something and I hung on to, well let's call him Skywalker. Still, from now on I'll walk—muggers or no.

Pretty views of sunset over the Atlantic from the summit

Far, far from home...

The idea to go up the mountain to avoid the dreadful couples vibe in restaurants on Valentine's Day backfired...

This weekend I'm going to a wedding in the wine paradise that is Stellenbosch, leaving sister behind to clean the flat before mum and dad arrive the following Sunday. Poor sister, she never gets to go to the ball...


Valentines day headache

Valentine's day is meant to be all love and hearts and cuddling in front of the telly. Except mine has involved a near-terminal falling out with one of my most important sources, a sub-editor with a bleeding ulcer, an ice storm in Washington rendering my stringer unable to attend a conference and a Zimbabwean science minister blowing out my reporter to go to a funeral.

Press day was delayed for the sole reason of waiting for that conference. And now...

Here's to hoping that my day won't continue in the same vein with me falling off the mountain on my picnic-date. I have misgivings about that cable car...


Home sweet home

All I asked for was a trim

So, after last weeks' ordeal it's great to be home. Here follows some photos I could not upload when I was out and about... (Yes, I was let out of the country. AND into South Africa despite my sister faxing me my Polio vaccination card rather than my yellow fever one, which is required for re-entry.)

The stewards on Air Ethiopia sounded like the baddies in Team America. Durka Durka.

Calestous and the $100 laptop, courtesy of MIT

Pretty useless photo of Gadafi

Another pretty useless photo of Mbeki. My camera does not have a tech or strong flash, and I was far away... No press awards for Linda